
When it comes to branding, organizations can be one of three things:

  • a “branded house”- This means that individual ministries don’t exist outside of the primary branding. (i.e. Google)
  • a “house of brands” (i.e. P&G) 
  • an “endorsing brand” (i.e. Marriot)

Our goal is to work toward becoming a branded house, where our communities recognize who we are and what we offer as being part of Grand Point Church, no matter what ministry area it falls under. Are we there? Not yet. But it’s something we hope to work toward so that we can communicate our mission and values with clarity and simplicity.


Helping as many people as possible take their next steps to find and follow Jesus Christ.


  • We value God’s plan more than our plans.
  • We value God’s truth more than our opinions.
  • We value God’s people more than our programs.
  • We value God’s mission more than our comfort.

Communication Objective:

Helping people discover their next steps through clear, inspiring, and engaging communication online and

Core Principles

Be Relevant – Our words and our work reflect the gifts and talents God has given us. Made in the image of the Creator, our creative efforts will be relevant & thoughtfully designed to show the world Who it is we represent. We value God’s plan more than our plans as we create, design, and communicate with open hands and growth-oriented minds.

Be Sensitive – We will not share any divisive, politically-driven, or polarizing opinions. We care more about the people we serve than about cultural agendas. We will be careful, loving, sensitive, and thoughtful in our language – not because we are ashamed of the truth but because we will honor God’s children as we build relationships and share truth with love. We value God’s truth more than our personal opinions as we keep our content pointed toward Jesus.

Be Consistent – Jesus always shows grace, love, and a desire for the best interest of others. We will be consistent in our language as we show that same grace and love to our communities. We value God’s people by choosing to engage with love and honor.

Be Simple – We model Jesus by communicating simply and effectively. We value God’s mission (helping people make daily decisions to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus) by putting aside our preferences.

General Communications Guidelines

  • Social media accounts will be managed by communications coordinators at your campus or ministry.
  • Central communications will be run by the Communications Director.
  • Events will be communicated based on our communications matrix.
  • All communication requests are done through communication requests.

Communication Decisions

The Communications Team has decision authority on branding and overall quality of design for all publications, printed and digital, to ensure quality is consistent across the board.

Branding Guidelines

Church Logo

Our church logo consists of a logo mark & a wordmark. They should be used together in most cases. The logo mark can be used alone for small applications such as social media. The wordmark can be displayed in a horizontal or stacked format, with the horizontal format being the primary option.

The logo should always be surrounded by an adequate amount of white space. In this case, the border should be at least equal to the height of the wordmark.

All printed materials must be approved by the Communications Team. Never stretch proportions, adjust the spacing, pixelate or use a different typeface for the logo.

Logo Variations

These are the only approved logo variations. For branding and marketing consistency, please only use these variations of our GPC campus and ministry logos. Campus logos may be used with one of our approved accent colors – please contact the Communication Director for details.


The “Icon” Logo (i.e. Logomark) is an option when needed as a profile picture and icon. This logo should not be used for general purposes.

Color Choices

The all-white variation of our logo should be used on dark images, boxes, etc.

The navy image should be used on bright images, boxes, etc.

Logo Creation

The Communications Director will work with you and our graphic designer to create any new logo variations your ministry area may need. Please do not create any logos on your own.

Requests for Logos

Occasionally, we will receive requests to use the GPC logo from members of the community. Please direct all requests to the Communications Director for review and fulfillment.

Correct Naming Conventions

  • Use appropriate GPC voice, campus/ministry specific tone, and naming conventions:
    • Grand Point Church (always 3 separate words – do not combine into Grandpoint)
    • GPC-Greencastle; GPC-Shippensburg; GPC-Chambersburg 
    • GPC (appropriate abbreviation of Grand Point Church)
    • KidsPoint (one word, no apostrophe)
    • Point Youth Ministry or Point YM
    • Circles (always capitalized)
    • NextSteps
    • re:generation or ReGen
    • re|engage

Typography (Fonts)

Typography is another key element of the GPC brand, to be used in print, website, social media, and campus signage.

Grand Point Church fonts include Gotham, Merriweather, and Have Heart One.

To request logo or font files, please contact the Communication Director.

“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”