
Communication Matrix

Below is the formula that we use to determine what gets communicated and how it is communicated. Our most significant focus is on events and programs that drive the primary mission and vision of Grand Point Church and will realistically reach the most people. This is not to say that other events are not relevant. Everything is important, but only a few items receive Level 1 or 2 emphasis.

All options for communications will be determined by the Communications Team and are not guaranteed.

Level 1: Priority

Impacts: 80% – 100% of the congregation

Questions we ask to determine whether a request receives LEVEL 1 – PRIORITY:

  1. Is this request a way for attendees to take their next steps?
  2. Is this a request that could draw more than 80% of our congregation to participate?

Requests (Examples):

  • Christmas
  • Easter

Promotional Options (Examples):

  • Prominent website placement
  • Stage announcements
  • Video announcements
  • Custom video promotion creation
  • Sunday service handout
  • Event page
  • Social media posts
  • Printed cards to handout
  • Pre/Post service slides
  • GPC email list
  • Roadside banner

Initiating The Communication Plan: A member of your ministry submits a Communication Request. The communication team will lead the planning with the ministry team. The communication team will then collaborate, plan, and carry out the request for that ministry.

Level 2: General

Impacts: 40% – 80% of the congregation

Questions we ask to determine whether a request receives LEVEL 2 – GENERAL:

  1. Would this request support or feed into a level 1 request?
  2. Is it a ministry-sponsored request that is likely to reach a significant number of people and introduce them to Christ?
  3. Would this request draw between 40-79% of our congregation to participate?

Requests (Examples):

  • Circles
  • Next Step Events
  • GPC-Hosted Events
  • Baptisms
  • Child Dedications
  • Short-Term Mission Trips
  • Trunk or Treat

Promotional Options (Examples):

  • Stage announcement
  • Social Media
  • Pre/Post service slides
  • GPC email list

Initiating The Communication Plan: A member of your ministry submits a Communication Request. The communication team will lead the planning with the ministry team. The communication team will then collaborate, plan, and carry out the request for that ministry.

Level 3: Specialty

Impacts: Less than 40% of the congregation

Requests that fall into this category will receive LEVEL 3 – SPECIALITY:

Requests (Examples):

  • GLS
  • National Day of Prayer
  • Volunteer Requests
  • Community Events

Promotional Options (Examples):

  • Social Media
  • GPC email list

Initiating The Communication Plan: A member of your ministry submits a Communication Request. The communication team will lead the planning with the ministry team. The communication team will then collaborate, plan, and carry out the request for that ministry.